Blog Find of the Week

Power Trio
by: Carrie Jacobson

My blog find of the week* is a little different this week. Usually, I feature blogs that are instructional, but this week I am featuring a blog because I just really like the art. The blog is The Accidental Artist by Carrie Jacobson. I stumbled on her blog just trolling along using the "next blog" feature at the top of my blog.  Carrie does palette knife paintings with COLOR!!! I love color and always feel my paintings may be a little too strong for some people's taste. But Carrie is not afraid to add color and lots of it. I love her paintings!!

Also, I love the fact that she paints with a palette knife. I have tried this once, and it was the most pleasurable feeling to paint with a palette knife. It was very visceral. I want to give it another try. The only thing holding me back is that I feel like I am wasting paint because of the amount that gets wiped off after each stroke. Maybe I will just have to get over that!  In the mean time I am going to enjoy looking at Carrie's Art.

* To read more Blog Finds of the Week simply enter "blog find" in the search box at the bottom of this page.


  1. Palette knife paintings,I find are very attractive because you can achieve stronger blocks of colour.These paintings also look full of energy too,thanks for showing this find Karla.

  2. Love reading your blog finds of the week, Karla. One of these days we'll have to try to get together to paint! Maybe en plein aire??? (When it cools down a bit???)

  3. Sherry, I would love to get together to paint! Haven't done plain aire but a couple times but I'm game.


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