Game On

I saw this photo on my friends facebook page of her daughter and her homecoming date and was immediately drawn to it.  It just had a Norman Rockwell appeal to it.  They are just so dang cute!  So of course I asked my friend if I could paint it and she graciously said yes.

I started out by using the Accurasee free program to place a grid over the picture.  I then drew some additional grid lines over the more complicated areas using my photo program.  Here is what it looks like. 

Then I sketched out the drawing onto tracing paper using a 5 X 7 grid under the tracing paper.

I then transferred my drawing to a toned (and dry) 5 x 7 painting panel using tracing paper and the end of an open paper clip.  I use the paper clip because it gives me fine lines but doesn't destroy the original drawing by adding pencil marks when I trace. 

Then I painted using the traced drawing.

I wanted to add a narrative to why they were looking at each other this way so I added a pair of red high heals.  I wanted it to look as if they were having their first disagreement over which shoes she would wear to the dance.  My intention was to do a larger painting of this, but I wanted to see if it worked by painting a small study first.  Wow, tiny faces are HARD to paint small!  Not sure if my "story" is easily read.  But it was fun to paint anyway!


  1. Good job! Thanks for the explanation, too. :)

  2. Great painting Karla!! This couple are cute and you've captured this fun pose in a fabulous way!

  3. Very cute Karla! I like the addition of the heels.

  4. Great source photo and I love seeing your process. It IS hard to paint tiny faces but you did a great job. Looking forward to seeing the larger version!


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