Summer's Last Hurrah

Summer's Last Hurrah
8 X 10
Oil on Hardboard


They are calling for a hard freeze here tonight so I thought I would give summer one last hurrah.  I was inspired by Mikki Senkarik's blog and her wonderful COLORFUL paintings.  Just what I needed to get me out of a ho-hum mood.   I don't know why I don't paint with brighter colors.  It's lots of fun!

Here is how it might look framed.


  1. This is lovely Karla! I love the colours and brushstrokes,the flowers look so cheerful.

  2. I tried to comment and think it got obliterated!
    Beautiful work, Karla! The strong colors add eye catching pizzazz!
    I also have to push myself to add higher chroma to my paintings.

  3. Thanks for persevering Dean. I have left feedback, but it still is not better.


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