Some Beautiful Words

"Single Yellow Bloom"
4 X 5
Oil on Hardboard

These beautiful little flowers grow along our lane.  Each yellow bloom stands out by itself on a single stem.  I plucked one on my way back from the mailbox and decided that a simple glass jar was the perfect vase for such a simple beauty.

As some of you know, I read A LOT of blogs.  I just love looking, learning and sometimes buying what other artists are doing.  Yesterday I was struck by a post by Kami Polzin called "Thoughts On Art".  I just thought it was so incredibly insightful.  Here is just a smidge:

   " This is art, the artist's efforts and experiences and exact intersection of time through paint with emotion!  If the same painting that was painted today was painted tomorrow, it would be a completely different piece of work.  This is one of the many beauties and mysteries of Art that keeps us eternally fascinated and drawn to create and /or be surrounded in other's creations. "

Please go to her site and read the whole blog post and see the wonderful painting she has listed.

Here is how it might look framed.


  1. What a pretty painting! I love the way you composed it, with the jar and the background. I also like the quote. How did you get the painting in the empty frame? I want to try that. It looks like a great way to see what your work looks like in different frames!

  2. This painting is pretty,the little flower is perfectly showcased in the jar!

  3. Very pretty, Karla! I love the colors on this one. The bright yellow with the blue grays...gorgeous! And I enjoyed your thoughtful post, too. I will be sure to check out Kami's blog. Thanks!


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