Tomatoes In Blue Bowl

Tomatoes in Blue Bowl
8 x 10
Oil on Hardboard

I decided to give this challenge photo from Paint and Draw Together one more shot.  I have been wanting to try the technique of glazing.  So I toned the board and waited for that to dry. Then I painted on a thin coat of transparent color and then let that dry.  Then another coat of transparent color and so forth.  I'm not sure I stuck to the technique, but it was interesting to try.  You have to be patient to try painting this way.  It takes days for each layer to dry.

Below is the one I did alla-prima.  Can you tell any difference?

Here is the original challenge photo.

I think there may be some benefits especially if you are going for a realistic replication.

Here is how today's painting might look framed

Contact me if you are interested in this painting.  You can also see more of my available paintings HERE. Or, to see other paintings available at auction simply search Karla Uphoff in Art on Ebay


  1. HI. May I use your picture to do it with glazing like you but with my own method. For each step, I will post you a photo of my work on the easel. Like this, you will see the difference between the 2 technics. ;-)

  2. Hi JP! sure you can do what you want. The original photo is from the paint and draw together website. I will follow your blog to see how they turn out.

  3. There is a difference,there seems to be more luminosity and shine with the glazing technique! Well done for having the patience.

  4. I like both paintings, Karla, so I guess it depends on the surface of the transparent layers versus the paint quality of the alla prima one. Do you have a preference with that it mind? Either way your colors are lovely.

  5. I agree Azra. The alla prima painting does seem a little flatter. But maybe that is just a lack of painting lights and darks!

  6. Julie, I see what you are saying. The glazing method is going to give you a flat paint surface ( which does not seem to be in vogue right now) vs more "painterly" surface quality in the alla prima. I like every surface quality so I guess it's just what ever mood I am in at the time.


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