Blue Bottle with Peach

Blue Bottle with Peach
5 X 7
Oil on Hardboard
You know you're going to get good fruit when you can smell them before you even pick them up.  Found some really yummy peaches yesterday at the store.

On another note....
 One of my favorite childhood memories is playing outside all day in the summer, taking a bath and climbing into bed with clean sheets that have been dried on the clothesline.  Mmmm I don't think there is a better smell than clean sheets dried outside.
But I was surprised yesterday when I went out to hang out the clothes. This little fella was making a nest in my clothespin bag.  Now I've heard male wrens will make several nests and then take the missus around and let her pick her favorite.  I'm kinda hoping she will go for the solid wren house over the electric meter.

Here is how this painting might look framed


  1. Such a lovely blue bottle and it compliments the peach beautifully!

  2. Thanks Azra, This one came out with a totally different look to it. Reminds me of some old time painter but I can't remember which one.

  3. Gorgeous bottle there, Karla! Hoping you don't have to dislodge this little nester! LOL He's not stupid, is he?


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