Nemadji Vase and Tomato

Nemadji Vase and Tomato
6 X 6
Oil on Hardboard


 This beautiful vase was a find at our local antique store.  The sticker on it said it was Nemadji.  I had never heard of that so I looked it up (thanks Google!).  Here is what I learned via the website Nemadji Collectors Club:

"Nemadji Pottery has been produced at the gateway of Minnesota's Arrowhead Region since 1923. The plant was first founded in the City of Moose Lake, which is at the crossroads of Minnesota state highway 73 and Interstate-35"

"The Pottery was first made using the rich clays taken from the banks of the Nemadji River. The special painting technique used to give the pottery its unique look was developed in 1929 by Eric Hellman. The Nemadji plant was moved to Kettle River in 1972-73. The new owner updated the plant and made significant changes to the pottery. The plant was sold again in 1980. Within a year, the new owner closed down the tile making end of business. Production of Nemadji pottery ended in the winter of 2001-2002."

All I know is that I think it is beautiful.

Here is how it might look framed

If you are interested in purchasing this painting or viewing my other available paintings, please visit my on-line gallery at Daily Paintworks.  Thanks for looking!


  1. It is beautiful indeed, Karla! Love that mini lesson on the pottery as well. Rather sad to know it is no longer being created.

  2. This one is really neat that vase and au naturale tomatoe.


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